Platform Development

Time to refurbish your tech architecture. Evolve from a rigid legacy core system to an agile, modular ecosystem of connected layers. Accelerate your infrastructure by cloud, microservices, and internal + external APIs.

With our platform engineering services and your bold vision, we can create a thriving ecosystem of integrated solutions and service providers. Tap into economies of scale without being anchored by operational costs.

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Our platform development services

Online platforms beat product-only companies. That’s an axiom on which MIT researchers and Intellias platform developers strongly agree. From the automotive to real estate sectors, we’ve already helped lots of market leaders launch new B2C digital platforms and scale B2B offerings. We position our clients miles ahead of the competition. From digital platform consulting to infrastructure setup, Intellias digital platform engineering services cover all your needs. We can help you build a strong and scalable technological backbone to support internal solutions and external ecosystem participants.

Digital platform engineering

Work out the optimal architecture design and bring it to life.

API & system integration

Enable efficient data exchanges and communication between all digital platform services.


Manage your ecosystem with centralized control mechanisms and real-time visibility.

Maintenance & support

Ride the network effect without worrying about degradation or downtime.

Infrastructure/IT services optimization & automation

Land in the cloud without technical debt by eliminating, automating, and consolidating.

Data engineering

Get supported in data center consolidation and resource optimization to break data silos.

Security & assurance

Leverage our platform development team’s cybersecurity expertise to mitigate risks.

Let’s start advancing your infrastructure

Success stories

Transportation and smart cities systems

A German provider of transportation solutions required to cut maintenance costs and optimize customer service. Intellias helped the company establish cloud infrastructure for their legacy monolith apps. We developed a new platform from scratch and migrated truck route optimization and smart city planning solutions. We continue to maintain a scalable infrastructure for the future development of microservices apps. Our solution empowers the client to move to the efficient SaaS business model.

Collaborative platform for health guidance

To help our client, a government software provider operating under the auspices of the Ministry of Healthcare, enable digital transformation of the national medical sector, we committed to build a holistic centralized platform that would connect all siloed medical systems and departments into a single healthcare environment. Intellias helped to design and build a one-stop telehealth solution that would help women navigate pregnancy and parenthood.

HD maps and cloud data platform for autonomous driving

Our client, a global leader in location-based services, needed to expand the capabilities of their innovative cloud-powered developer system. Their software provides shared real-time and historical sensor data, and multilayer high definition (HD) maps. Intellias has been involved in conceptualizing, developing, testing, and deploying a cloud-based architecture. Our engineers work on the full life cycle of 3D HD maps, from eliciting source data to creating and publishing the maps.

Reasons for choosing Intellias

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IaaS and PaaS consulting services

Leverage our deep platform engineering expertise with various cloud computing vendors, and services. Our experts can put together a winning multi-cloud portfolio to host your infrastructure. We will help you with cloud migration and legacy application refactoring for new environments. Gain speed, scale, and TCO savings.

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Cross-industry domain knowledge

Intellias provides PaaS consulting and digital platform development services to companies at different stages of their market and digital journeys, from Fortune 500 enterprises to pioneering market entrants. We know how to approach problems from unexpected angles and translate them into custom platform engineering solutions.

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Profound data analytics expertise

Platform solutions thrive due to data analytics running atop secure data management platforms. Gain a better understanding of data, including the information and insights you need to procure from siloed systems.

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Solid AI/ML competence

Give your digital platform solutions an edge over the competition with integrated AI and ML models. Our R&D team will work out the optimal set of scientific models to power your intelligent algorithms. Automation, prediction, personalization, or something else? We can build a model for that.

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Platform orchestration & DevOps expertise

The success of digital platforms is the grand sum of inputs from a partner ecosystem. Ensure that each operation, component, and API facilitates rather than hinders your growth by leveraging our team’s IT orchestration expertise. Our DevOps experts will reinforce your delivery with CI/CD and continuous testing.

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Ingenious UI/UX designers

Platforms grow stronger with more users. However, digital technology platforms with clunky interfaces have a hard time retaining customers. Our UI/UX design team will integrate into your software platform development process to ensure a stellar UX across all customer touchpoints.

Platform development services — the present of digital growth

Grow without production costs

Being a platform development company has its perks. For one thing, your value generation isn’t tied to production costs. When you venture into the business of facilitating the exchanges of operations and services, you can recoup more investments by transferring production costs to outsiders (users, suppliers, sellers, and so on).

Even better, if you already have a strong core product, you can distribute it better by going with a PaaS model. Instead of selling the same product once, you can make use of your investments over and over, tapping into the digital economies of scale. Whether you’re in banking or retail, you can capitalize on the platformization trend. Reach more consumers by leveraging our platform engineering expertise.

Innovate faster

An undeniable perk of platform development is rapid development process. Deploy new applications and digital platform services at unparalleled speed. An open, modular architecture, reusable service components, and a selection of premade internal and external APIs can boost your operations.

Use consumer data accumulated in your cloud-based data lake to figure out customer needs. See which APIs and integrations you can leverage in your online platform to meet their needs. Use cloud DevOps practices to bring new software applications into production faster. Launch to a warmed-up community of customers who are already loyal to your brand.

Scale across markets and verticals

Digital platform development and consulting aim at turning your business into a cross-industry power broker. Online platforms can easily tap into other product verticals, markets, and business models with a cloud-based core. The ability to integrate any number of external players or extend systems to third parties will help your business pursue emerging market opportunities.

Leverage your existing user base to gain an unfair advantage over the competition. Complement your core services with value-added propositions extending to different aspects of your custom lifecycle. Extend your brand presence to emerging sales channels — voice, IoT, social applications, and more — to be present whenever and wherever your customers need you.


Successful digital platform development requires a customer-centric approach, continuous improvement, and a willingness to adapt to changing market needs.

Act as a product manager. Start by outlining your goals, business objectives, and target audience within your market environment. Define the core features and functionality of the platform and their respective priority levels. Consider aspects such as technologies to be leveraged, feasible infrastructure, integration points, and scalability together with necessary resources and budgets, along with timelines and milestones. Ensure that your platform development plan is feasible, scalable, and supports the product vision. Keep in mind that the roadmap is not set in stone – iterate and adapt nonstop. In addition, your platform development roadmap should include a contingency plan for any potential risks or obstacles that may arise in the development cycle and evaluate your success and measure outcomes through continuous communication and feedback.
The process of digital platform development typically involves several stages, from initial planning to deployment and ongoing maintenance. Here's a general overview of the process:

- Conceptualization and planning
- Requirements gathering
- Design and prototyping
- Development
- Quality Assurance and testing
- Deployment
- Launch and post-launch activities
- Ongoing maintenance and support

Throughout the entire process, effective project management, collaboration among team members and platform developers, and clear communication with stakeholders are crucial for successful digital platform development.
Defining the cost of platform development involves a thorough assessment of various factors. While estimating the exact cost can be challenging, here are key steps to help you define the cost:

- Clearly define the scope of the platform development project (identified key features, functionalities, and deliverables).
- Break down the project for a more granular analysis of the tasks and resources required for each part (UI design, backend development, database setup, integrations, additional customizations or configurations).
- Determine the resources required for platform development (number and expertise of platform developers, designers, testers, and other team members; inhouse or outsourcing options, project duration, and effort required).
- Evaluate the technology stack and infrastructure required for the platform development (the cost of licenses/subscriptions, scalability of servers, hosting, cloud services, and databases).
- Estimate the platform development timeframe based on the scope and complexity of the platform (quantity of features, customization and dependencies level, resource availability).
- Analyze the cost of QA and testing efforts (test cases, test environments, the involvement of testers, automated testing tools, external testing services)
- Allocate budget for maintenance and support costs (regular updates, bug fixes, security patches, user support; inhouse/external resources, service-level agreements (SLAs).
- Account for unforeseen circumstances or changes in requirements during the development process and include contingency and miscellaneous expenditures in your budgeting.

Consolidate all the numbers into a detailed cost analysis documentation with a breakdown of each cost item. This will help you communicate and justify the budget to stakeholders, management, or potential investors.
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